How Does Noise Pollution Impact Your Health?
What sounds drive you crazy? Maybe it’s your neighbor’s barking dog, the TV blaring in the living room, or the construction across the street. Did you know that not only can loud background noises annoy you, but they can also impact your health? We review the effects of noise pollution below. What Is Noise Pollution?…
What’s the Link Between Osteoporosis and Hearing Loss?
Osteoporosis is a condition that causes your bones to become weak and brittle. It can cause back pain, and poor posture and increase your risk for bone fractures. Research has also linked osteoporosis to an increased risk of hearing loss. Â Data Shows Osteoporosis Increases Hearing Loss Risk A 2015 study examined the risk of hearing…
Understanding Audiograms: How to Interpret Your Hearing Test Results
If you’ve noticed that you’re struggling to hear conversations at the office or when you’re out eating with your family at PDX Sliders, it’s a good idea to schedule a hearing test. When you get a hearing test your results will be displayed in a chart or graph known as an audiogram. Learning to interpret…
Why Do So Many Veterans Get Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is a ringing, buzzing, whistling, or other noise in the ear. It is a common condition in the US, and especially common among veterans. Let’s examine some of the reasons why that is and what you can do to find relief if you suffer from tinnitus symptoms. Tinnitus and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Some…
Audiologists Help You Avoid the Dangers of Home Ear Impression Kits
Our ears are unique. When getting hearing protection devices or certain types of hearing aids, an accurate, customized ear impression is essential to creating the perfect fit. While at-home kits are available, they often result in less protection and can even lead to injury. The Importance of Hearing Protection Devices Exposure to loud noise is…
Study Finds COVID-19 Can Directly Affect Inner Ear
As rates of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths begin to decline, life is beginning to return to normal. But though you may be able to attend a party at The Crystal Ballroom now, many people who have been infected with COVID are still affected by symptoms. New research shows that some are even experiencing inner…
Hunting and Hearing Loss
Shooting and hunting are popular hobbies amongst Oregonians. While a nice excuse to spend time with friends and family in nature, this pastime can be putting your ears at risk of irreversible damage. In this post, we review how you can protect yourself. What Sounds Are Too Loud? Sounds are measured in decibels (dB). Anything…
Can Holiday Toys Damage a Child’s Hearing?
Just like your children looked forward to opening their presents during the holiday season, you were excited to see their reactions as they opened the gift they first spotted at Kids at Heart. However, experts warn that some toys can cause permanent damage to your child’s hearing. That doesn’t mean you have to take the…
The Hidden Cost of Cocktails: How Alcohol Can Hurt Your Hearing
During the holiday season, many of us are attending more parties, family dinners and social gatherings. In some cases, this may mean more drinking. While there is nothing wrong with picking up a bottle at Blackbird Wineshop to enjoy with Christmas dinner, it is important to avoid drinking excessively this holiday season. Heavy drinking is…
National Diabetes Month: How Diabetes & Hearing Loss Are Related
November is National Diabetes Month, which means there’s no better time to learn about the disease and its connection to others, particularly hearing loss. Below we provide an overview of a study linking diabetes to hearing loss and discuss how the two are related. About the Study The study was published in Annals of Internal…