Adult vs. Pediatric Hearing Aids
About one in six people in Portland experiences hearing loss. You might think most are well into their senior years, but in reality, children suffer from impaired hearing, as well. Hearing aids are beneficial to most patients with hearing loss, but children have different needs. When it comes to selecting a hearing aid for your…
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How Do Hearing Aids Work?
People who have never been diagnosed with hearing loss probably haven’t given hearing aids much thought. Even those in Portland and across the country who wear hearing aids might take them for granted in much the way we accept the fact that the sun will always rise and there will never be a shortage of…
What is Noise-Induced Hearing Loss?
If you having trouble hearing but retirement is still years (or decades) away, chances are good that you are suffering the effects of noise-induced hearing loss in Portland. If so, you are hardly alone; aside from the natural effects of aging, noise-induced hearing loss is the most common cause of hearing impairment, and affects individuals…
Hearing Aid Technology
If you’re like many people in Portland, your image of hearing aids is probably somewhat antiquated. If you are picturing bulky, unsightly devices with poor sound quality, you’ll be surprised (and pleased) to learn that today’s hearing aid technology is vastly different from that of a generation ago. Modern hearing aids are smaller and utilize…
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How Hearing Aids Can Help Date Night
The evenings are getting longer and that can only mean one thing – time for a date night! There are a number of options for dates in Portland. You could see a show, take a stroll or even go to the movies. But if you are one of the nearly 48 million people in Portland…