Treating hearing loss is essential to your overall health and well-being. While some are hesitant to visit an audiologist to address their hearing needs, research has shown that untreated hearing loss leads to a poorer quality of life.
Let’s take a look at some of the more significant negative consequences of not treating your hearing loss.
You May Feel Isolated and Left Out
Hearing loss makes it harder to understand speech, causing difficulties in communication. You may have to put more mental energy into listening to a presentation at work or trying to follow along during your book club meetup at Cathedral Coffee. Additionally, you might feel like you’re missing out on a lot of the conversations when at big gatherings of family and friends. This can cause you to feel left out and frustrated. You may even begin isolating yourself from others because socializing becomes too difficult.
You May Experience More Fatigue and Stress at Work
Spending a whole day in meetings or talking with customers can be exhausting under normal circumstances, but it can be even more difficult when you are straining to make out what was said. You may find yourself feeling mentally fatigued or burned out earlier in the day. You might also start to worry that you’ll miss important information during a conference call or have an embarrassing misunderstanding in front of your boss or coworkers.
Your Relationships Can Suffer
Untreated hearing loss takes a toll on relationships, especially those with your spouse or partner. They may feel as though you aren’t listening to them or become annoyed by having to repeat themselves frequently. This can lead to feelings of frustration and resentment on both sides. You also might be less inclined to go try new activities where you might form additional friendships.
Not Treating Hearing Loss Is Bad for Your Health
Leaving your hearing loss untreated also puts you at an increased risk of several other health conditions. This includes higher rates of anxiety and depression, balance issues and injuries from falls, and may even make it more likely that you develop cognitive decline and dementia.
Hearing Aids Can Make Life Easier
You can help prevent these issues by treating your hearing loss with hearing aids. Schedule an appointment for a hearing test so that a trained audiologist can assess the severity of your hearing loss and work with you to determine what pair is best for you. The right hearing aids make it easier to stay close to others and engage in all the activities you enjoy.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call Mt. Hood ENT & Allergy today.